Fundación Mark Milsome - Curso online de certificación de seguridad para cine y televisión

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Working Hours and Welfare

Video 4 de 10
8 min 38 seg
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Time Management and Health & Safety in Film and Television Production

The Importance of Time Management

Regardless of an individual's importance, experience, or talent, they cannot alter the passage of time. This section is crucial for everyone involved in a production, including broadcasters, financiers, executives, producers, line producers, and heads of department. It is essential that these stakeholders take full responsibility for allocating sufficient time and resources well in advance of the shoot.

Planning and Scheduling

Long before any shoot, the director, producer, and first assistant director (1st AD) must ensure that adequate time and resources are allocated. Failure to properly fund a production compromises the schedule, adds stress, increases risk, and can endanger health and safety. Proper planning and budgeting should incorporate health and safety measures from the outset, allowing for a smoother workflow on the day of the shoot.

Work Time Regulations

During the contract stage, you may be asked to waive your rights under the Work Time Regulations 1998, which stipulate an 11-hour workday. Most contracts will indicate that the production company will endeavour to adhere to an 11-hour turnaround where possible. Trust in the production's commitment to this practice is common, with the expectation that it will respect the 11-hour turnaround.

Travel and Safety

Travel time is a crucial factor and must be managed seriously. Heads of department are responsible for managing pre-calls, preparation, and wrap times to ensure the 11-hour turnaround is maintained. Regardless of your role or seniority on set, once you finish for the day and start your journey home, you must adhere to the Road Traffic Act 1991. This law mandates that you must not drive while overtired, and you must not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, whether legal or otherwise.