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The Mark Milsome Foundation - Film and TV Online Safety Passport Course

The Mark Milsome Foundation - Film and TV Online Safety Passport Course

This Course Includes:

  • Endorsed by Skills for Care & TQUK
  • 2.0 hrs CPD Certificate
  • Evidence Based Training Certificate
  • Instant printable wall certificate
  • 24/7 on-demand video
  • Access on mobile
  • Weekly refresher video
  • Expiration reminder
  • Student manual

Course Details

Video Playtime

1 hour and 14 minutes




Keith Sleightholm



The Mark Milsome Foundation - Film and TV Online Safety Passport Course at a Glance

Mark Milsome was a talented, respected and much loved camera operator who died on set, behind his camera when a car stunt went tragically wrong in Ghana in November 2017. The Mark Milsome Foundation launched one year later with 4,000 cast, crew and productions worldwide wearing Black Foundation T-Shirts to mark the anniversary. www.markmilsomefoundation.com.

Due to the nature of Mark’s death, it was only a matter of time before the MMF started to focus on Health and Safety in the Modern Film and Television industry. In December 2019, Kirk Jones, Chairman of the Foundation started to research H&S training and discovered that very few crew or production have ever sat a modern Health and Safety course. The reason appeared to be ‘time’ and ‘money’.with a face to face course taking 2 days at a cost of approx £ 400 - 500.

A Health and Safety survey was launched industry-wide by the Foundation in the summer of 2020 to assess whether an H&S course would be welcomed by crew and productions. 5000 confidential responses and related experiences were assessed. All results and comments are available on the MMF website but key findings included:

  • 63% Believe the current H&S regulations need improving.
  • 20% Do not believe H&S is adequate at all.
  • 84% Say working hours, sleep deprivation, driving whilst tired was main H&S concern
  • 80% Believe budget restrictions are to blame for poor H&S
  • 22% Only say UK productions ‘always’ respect regulations When asked if crew and production would be interested in taking an online H&S course (for a cost of £20)
  • 72% of respondents said they would voluntarily enrol rising to 94% if it became recognised as an industry standard.

Based on these findings, Kirk Jones started writing this course which was launched on 15th December 2021. It was developed with support from Media Safety and the National Film and Television School.

The content of this and all our courses has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines and come with a Certified CPD Statement as well as a ProTrainings Certificate and for online courses an Evidence-Based Learning statement. Successful applicants will receive a Production Safety Passport via Screen Skills valid for 5 years. 

This unique training package is perfect for students and should be written into the DNA of every film and television course in the UK - the next generation of entrants into the industry will be informed, empowered and safer
-Professor Christopher Morris ex-head of Newport and Falmouth Film and Television Schools

Frequently Asked Questions

Which occupations use this course?

The The Mark Milsome Foundation - Film and TV Online Safety Passport Course Course is perfect for:

  • Anyone working in the film and TV sector
  • Students with ambitions to enter the Film and television industry

Can I get my ScreenSkills Level 2 Passport?

Yes, on completion of this course you can gain the ScreenSkills passport.

Is the The Mark Milsome Foundation Film and TV Online Safety Passport Course mandator?

The aim of this course is to become Mandatory within the Film and Television Industry but at present, you are taking the first step towards making the industry safer, preparing yourself to help protect your colleagues, actors and productions as well as be able to help friends, family and strangers outside of the workplace.

Do I receive a certificate after completing your online training?

The Production Safety Passport Level 2 from ScreenSkills is the only certificate that is valid and recognised within the industry so we should focus on the details of this.