The course delivers a Level II Production Safety Passport valid for 5 years from ScreenSkills and aims to ensure that no crew, production or cast member is ever injured or killed again.
Ensuring your students enter the work place with an approved PSP makes them more attractive to employees whilst importantly, helps to keep themselves and their colleagues safe on set.
I ask that all NFTS students take this course. It is by far the most engaging, modern and relevant Health and Safety course for students we have found.
-Jon Wardle, Director, National Film and Television School

Student Training: Solved
Training for all of your students is just a few clicks away. A dashboard will be set up specifically for you, which will issue a log in to your students enabling them to easily access the course. From the dashboard you can check progress and monitor who has completed their Level 2 Production Safety Passport. Each of the eight chapters in the course are followed by refresher questions with the main test coming at the very end. On successful completion, a certificate will be emailed to the student which you can also view and download.

Realistic Education Pricing
Nothing is more important than keeping your students safe, but we understand the pressures on education budgets - with this in mind, our student pricing is as low as £2 a student depending on numbers participating. Keep your students safe, and improve their employability.

Eliminate Scheduling Headaches
We understand the time pressures on professors and students alike. With this in mind, our online course takes just 90 minutes to complete, it can be taken on a phone, tablet or computer and students can stop and start to suit their schedules.

Effortless Learning Management Systems
Monitoring of the Mark Milsome Film & TV Online Safety Passport can be effortlessly integrated into your Learning Management Systems (We are SCORM 1.2 compliant) which means we support bi-directional communication between your LMS and ours with no additional integration required on either end. Alternatively, we can set you up with a Dashboard on our site. If you use Moodle or another SCORM-compliant LMS, then this will plug in nicely, allowing your students to take the training without even having to remember a new username or password.

ScreenSkills Passport
Completing this Mark Milsome Foundation - Film and TV Online Safety Passport Course will allow you to gain your Level 2 Production Safety Passport issued by ScreenSkills and recognised industry wide. This shows your commitment to health and safety on film and TV sets.
On completion of the course, we will register you with ScreenSkills and you will receive an email in a few days so you can gain your Level 2 Production Safety Passport issued by ScreenSkills.
On completion of the course, we will register you with ScreenSkills and you will receive an email in a few days so you can gain your Level 2 Production Safety Passport issued by ScreenSkills.
Spending 90 minutes completing the MMF online safety passport is the best investment a crew member can make to their wellbeing on set as well as appreciating the wellbeing of others.
- Peter Robertson ACO President (Cyrano, The Little Mermaid, Wonka)
The Mark MIlsome Health and Safety course is the best thing to happen to UK film crew for a long long time.
-Sean Savage (Game of Thrones)
I urge you to sign up to the MMF’s Online Safety Passport. A 90 minute course that will open your mind to onset responsibilities and inspire you to be a force for positive change.
-Chris Ross BSC President - (Everybody’s talking about Jamie, Top Boy)
I urge all of you to complete the MMF Online Health & Safety Course, it will prove invaluable to you and deliver a long, happy and safe journey along your chosen route to filmic nirvana.
-Andrew Dunn. BSC. AMPAS. BAFTA. (Gosford Park, Precious, Crazy Stupid Love, The Butler)