The Mark Milsome Foundation - Film and TV Online Safety Passport Course

10 videos, 1 hour and 14 minutes

Course Content

Course Introduction

Video 1 of 10
3 min 24 sec
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Welcome to the Mark Milsome Foundation Course

Hello and thank you for joining this course. My name is Rory Kinnear, and I am a patron of the Mark Milsome Foundation. Mark Milsome was one of our industry’s most respected and talented camera operators, with over 30 years of experience at the highest level. Tragically, in November 2017, Mark was killed on set in Ghana during a car stunt that went wrong. The coroner's inquest into Mark's death found that the risks associated with the stunt were not effectively recognised, assessed, communicated, or managed.

The Purpose of This Course

The purpose of this course is clear: to ensure that no crew member or performer is harmed or killed due to ineffective risk management. I was honoured to become the foundation's patron partly because I lost my own father, actor Roy Kinnear, in a film set accident in 1988. Despite promises to improve health and safety following his death, progress was sadly minimal.

This course aims to mark a turning point for addressing the failures that led to the deaths of Mark and my father. It does not seek to prioritise health and safety over creativity or workflow but rather aims to integrate both, promoting smart and safe decisions throughout each working day. The content of this course is up-to-date and relevant, serving as a refresher for seasoned professionals and a guide for newcomers to the industry.

For Producers, Broadcasters, and Financiers

This course is also crucial for producers, broadcasters, and financiers, highlighting the dangers of cutting financial corners and failing to allocate sufficient time for projects. We have designed this course to be engaging, concise, and focused. It should take approximately 90 minutes if completed in one sitting, but you can also pause and resume at your convenience on your phone, tablet, or computer.

Course Structure and Qualification

Each chapter concludes with refresher questions, and a final test is conducted at the end. Successful completion will earn you a qualification, which can be further built upon with face-to-face courses in the future. The Mark Milsome Foundation's goal is to update and educate, empowering and protecting you and your colleagues.

Thank you once again for participating in this course. Your commitment to safety helps prevent injury and death in the film and television industry.